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The 150 lots on auction are only a selection, with several of the works from Allen’s entire collection still to be revealed The top lot is expected to be Cezanne’s La Montagne Sainte Dollar Photo Club(ダラーフォトクラブ)は完全会員制です ひとつ注意してほしいのが、Dollar Photo Club(ダラーフォトクラブ)は完全会員制ということ。 メンバー登録方法は2種
ダラーフォトクラブ- Paul Cezanne's 'La Montagne SainteVictoire' was sold for $1378 million (Photo credit Christie's) Paul Allen, the late cofounder of Microsoft, was known for revolutionizing Ecuador's win over Qatar in this year's World Cup opener was seen by 72 million television viewers in the United States The game Sunday was seen by 3228 million on the
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A remarkable collection of 18 supercars is heading to auction in London this weekend and includes more than $45 million worth of cars RM Sotheby’s is behind the sale and notes The estimated Powerball jackpot for the November 7th drawing has increased to $19 billion, with an estimated lump sum payout of $9291 million (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty The office building at 518 17th St, which dates to 1954, has 274,598 rentable square feet It was purchased Monday for $145 million ( Photo courtesy of Unico Properties) “I believe
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